
申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 English のみです。

とあるシェアハウスの日常風景「ファーストハウス溝の口100+a」 来年はどこに住もうかな。年末に差し掛かったこの季節、都内に限らず、地方や海外から多くの方が仕事や学業で生活の変化が訪...
  Want to be particular about a place to live  “JR Keihin Tohoku Line” is awesome since the first train starts very early, and the last train ends very late. I will report the s...
The community lounge which has been reborn by the renovation. The community lounge which has been reborn by the renovation. “Aobadai” is one of the most exclusive residential ar...