


How would you like to live?

What is the main thing you would seek for in a Share House?

There have been many people, especially younger people, who are looking for things like monetary benefits and connections with others. But with the increase in time spent at home, there may now be more people, of all generations, who feel their homes are lacking something. Such a trend has been facilitating people to seek out Share Houses with excellent facilities.

While it's difficult to find a "life that's just right for you", living in a Share House is definitely a perfect way to expand your living options.

The house to be introduced to you today is "Social Court Suginami", which just opened this June. It's a new Share House provided by Share Design- a company that continuously proposes properties with a playful spirit.

The first thing to note about Shareliet is that there are private rooms that can hold two residents at once, which makes it recommendable for those who'd like to share a room with a lover, sibling, or friend. There are mainly 2 shared spaces in this house: a stylish living room with a projector, and a shared kitchen where you can enjoy cooking to the fullest. In addition, there's a beer server and a rice metering service... If you'd like to spend your time surrounded by the unique facilities, this is the perfect place for you.

Let's take a quick look inside the house, and learn about the luxurious aspects that you can add onto your single life!

More details about " Social Court Suginami", please click here.         


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Luxurious facilities to be used at your own pace

The living room features a large projector. You can watch movies with your housemates here, or relax on the terrace beyond the sofa. There's also a beer server installed in the corner, so you're assured to have a lovely night here.

On the other hand, "Share Liet Suginami Honancho" is designed in a way that you can reach your private room without passing through the shared spaces like living room or kitchen, thus you'll be able to socialize at your own pace.

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Living room from another angle. A relaxing spot to be shared with your housemates.
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Isn’t it nice to have a beer server at home? It would definitely be delightful to talk on the terrace either.


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Interactions accompanied by delicious smells.

Although there is a kitchen in the room, cooking in this shared kitchen may make your cooking time even more enjoyable.

A table adjacent to the kitchen can be used as a work space, as well as a place to eat. Although staying at home can seem monotonous at times, you can always refresh your mood by spending time at a shared space like this, which is one attractive point about Share House. Here, you'll be able to enjoy socializing with your housemates along with the great aroma.

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The kitchen from another angle. There are many chances to socialize while you eat.
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It may also be a good place to work. A large kitchen only available at Share Houses.


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Feel the warmth of others everyday.

The rooms at "Share Liet Suginami Honancho" are mostly 2K rooms, and a resident will be given one of the two rooms in a 2K room. Of course, each room has its own key, while the facilities including kitchen, toilet, and bath room are shared between the two rooms.

On the other hand, some of the rooms are larger than 20 square meters. This type of room is recommended for those who are looking for a place to live together with their girlfriend, brothers and sisters living in Tokyo, or friends.

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Looks like a comfortable space to spend time alone. You can study at a desk that is readily furnished.
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Isn’t it convenient to have a kitchen in the private room? A shower room with a bathtub.
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Bath facilities to be shared with your neighbor. Each room has a closet.
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In Room 107, bath facilities are completely private. Moving in as a couple is accepted for this room.
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A washbasin, nice and clean. This too is a shower room with a bathtub, slightly larger.


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Find hobbies, as well as your social life.

"Share Liet Suginami Honancho" also has a music room.
With such a fun facility in the house, you can certainly seek more fun out of your life.

Another great thing about living in a Share House is that you can develop a new hobby. By learning from housemates that are experienced in the field you are new to, you'll be able to acquire new skills while interacting with them.

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It’s probably difficult to play a musical instrument at regular houses. There is a shoe rack for each room at the entrance.
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A view of the corridor just next to the entrance. Everything assorted in the shared space at 1F.

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Find everything you seek for, or even more.

How did you like it?

The nearest station from the house is Honancho Station (the first station), which is 11 minutes away from Shinjuku Station. Also, the property is located in a quiet residential area, and there is a large park with lush greenery nearby.
This house offers you a lifestyle in which you can live in a calm and relaxing location, with like-minded people. If that sounds like what you are looking for, you can definitely have a wonderful life in this house.

Those moving in with a lover or a friend will also be able to spend their time in a different way, probably better than in a regular rental house. It should be nice to have a place where you can casually interact with your housemates, rather than being alone with your partner all the time.
Share House indeed is a valuable environment in which you can switch your mood instantly, which avoids troubles and frustrations you would face otherwise.

If you're interested, why not take a look at it for yourself? We're sure you'll find the lifestyle you're looking for, at Share Liet Suginami Honancho.

/Author: Katsumi, Photo:Ishikawa

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