

A unique environment reminiscent of Hawaii and the West Coast

In the confusion of 1950s post-war America, the Golden era began and the phrase ‘The American Dream’ was born. It was also a time that brought great change to the lifestyles and culture of the people.

Today we will show you a place where you can experience the American lifestyle in Japan in a house furnished with antiques based on a 1950s America theme.

The exterior and interior blend seamlessly into the same, unique atmosphere and you may just be able to create a place for yourself here like you could not anywhere else. I get the impression that males in particular won’t be able to pass this one by.

This is the kind of place you would love to live in just once, the kind of place you would boast to your friends and family about. Today we are going to check this unique residence out from top to bottom. Let’s not waste any time and get right into it!

「TAOS」House Details Page


An exterior bursting with exotic atmosphere is a sharp contrast from its surroundings

The house is located a 15-minute walk from Kita-Hachioji station and a 20-minute walk from Keio-Hachioji station. This is a considerable distance, however there is a bus running from the station that passes nearby the house. Also, if you own a bicycle or motorbike the distance won’t be anything to worry about.


The first thing that will catch your eye when approaching from a distance is this orange exterior. You can tell this isn’t a normal house straight away.


The entrance. The ROUTE66 sign in particular stands out among the other decorations.


The owner likes it so much he calls himself a Route 66-specialist cameraman.


The owner has an interest in cars and loves classics in particular, having around 10 cars in his possession (Incidentally he is the current president of the Automobile Club Japan)


The rust on the mailbox outside adds character.


West Coast style surrounded by American antiques

One step through the front door and you’ve already entered another dimension. You will be enveloped by a strange sensation that is part surprise, yet part calming. Everything in this living room will catch your eye.


There is a big sofa to sit down and relax in, and indirect lighting adds to the mood when night falls.


You’ll feel as if you are in a cafe or bar, when in actual fact you are in a kitchen with all the dinnerware and kitchen appliances you could ever need.


Everything about the interior is fascinating.


All of these items were collected and selected for the house specifically by the owner. I’m not sure how much all of this cost, but there must surely be a few very expensive things here.


Not just a fan of antiques but music also, the owner has collected a vast array of CDs. Residents are free to listen to them as they please.


This is the kitchen with its counter, the perfect backdrop for beer or coffee.


With plenty of facilities and appliances you will find yourself enjoying cooking in here.


Here lives the coffee maker and other unique kitchen items all lined up in a row.


A small relaxation area has been set up on the 2nd floor.


The dining room has a high ceiling, and this is the view from above. It looks and feels so spacious from up here.


You can catch a glimpse of this flamingo in the small garden outside.


Plenty of space and storage in uniquely arranged rooms

The private rooms have also been styled in the same unique design as the other areas of the house. The interior and furniture differs from room to room (pictured above is Room B).


This is the 1F hallway. As you can surely see in the photo, a vast array of CDs are also stored here, and of course you are free to listen to anything you feel like listening too whenever you please.


Heading upstairs is almost like entering a hotel lounge. Even the smallest details haven’t been forgotten in this house’s interior design.


This is Room C and personally my favourite room.


One glance at this wall and you’ll imagine yourself driving across a vast wasteland in an old, classic car.


Room G is surprisingly a Japanese-style room, and would be great to hang out and relax in.

Managing this house is the company Asian Highway. The owner is a very unique, talented individual and ever since opening as a sharehouse the property had been the embodiment of his hobbies and interests. The Asian Highway supervisor of this sharehouse told us that he does not often come across houses with such attention to detail.

Moreover, the private rooms are quite large with plenty of storage space, and as well as being comfortable to live in, the fact that you can move in and start your new life straight away from 20,000-30,000 yen is very attractive indeed.

While it might be fun to shop around and accumulate your own furniture to create the perfect interior from nothing to match your personality, it’s also interesting to add your own flair to an existing room. It wouldn’t have been so easy to create such unique and interesting interiors like the ones here, mind you. It’s almost like taking a display in a showroom and using it as is, which is a big advantage.

Gathering in the living room at the end of the day to enjoy a coffee or wine while conversing with like-minded friends is to live in luxury, and such a place to make your heart beat in hope and anticipation is right here waiting for you.


House DetailTAOS
Area Fujimi-cho Hachioji-shi Tokyo
Rent ¥35,000 ~ ¥38,000
Hachiko Line Kitahachioji 15min
keio Keio Hachioji 20min
Condition Male, Female

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