
This is an announcement to everyone visiting our blog.
It has been decided that an urgent forum sponsored by the the Japan Sharehouse Association (themed ‘The Future of Sharehouses ~Proposal to use vacant houses~) will be held on Saturday, 19th October 2013.

Special lectures on the day will include Mr. Atsushi Miura, a man knowledgeable about social structure and the realities of young men and women’s lives (whose literary works include “Lower-class society” and “Let’s talk of ‘market share’ for Japan in the future”) and a panel discussion held by professionals in the industry regarding the increasing social significance of sharehouses. (I will also be speaking on “The current state of the sharehouse market and its future prospects”)

The forum will be attended mainly by industry professionals, however as there are also seats set aside for the general public I urge those interested to get in touch.
(※Please understand that in the event of a large turnout the general public will be let in on order of arrival or possibly by lottery)

【Event Summary】
“The future of sharehouses” “A new type of family structure with friends living together”
Event date  : 19th October, 2013 (Saturday) 12:30~16.45
(土) 12:30~16:45
Venue    : Bellesalle Nishi-Shinjuku 1F Hall (Shinjuku-ku)
        Tokyo-to Shinjuku-ku Nishi-Shinjuku 4-15-3 Sumitomo Fudosan Nishi-Shinjuku Building 3
        Reservation only, Information booklet will be sent out to all participants
Target participants : Persons concerned about vacant houses / vacant rental properties・
        Persons searching for safe and sound sharehouses・
        Other (Real estate industry ・Construction industry)
Participation costs   : Individual Free
        Corporate 3,000 yen
Capacity    : 150 people
Participation method  : By reservation
Business email: yamamoto@sharepro.jp
Telephone    : 03-5305-5215


■Event details
1. Quality Sharehouse Exhibition “A new type of family structure with friends living together”


1. Forum Commencement
Special Lecture “The future of Japan ・Local Revitalization by the Share Industry”
      Lecturer Mr. Atsushi Miura
(2) The vacant house problem and proposal for the use such properties
(3)Safe and sound sharehouses of the future, other

3. Discussion
A discussion on the topic of housing concerning usage of vacant houses, the renovation of old rental housing and other topics related to moving into sharehouses.

Further details are available on the homepage
URL http://japan-sharehouse.org/

【Event Goals】
With the family structure changing older generation households resulting in vacant properties are increasing. Examples of these vacant properties reformed into residences with their own communities will be introduced via exhibition.

The growth strategy of a Japan with a decreasing workforce supports happy and healthy men and women of all generations. We will introduce the development of many kinds of businesses supporting local older generations, small shops and younger generations with housing by making use of vacant properties.

With Tokyo decided as the host of the 2020 Olympic Games it is anticipated that attention and immigration by foreigners to Japan will increase. This is the perfect opportunity introduce the magnificence of Japan to the world and show visitors to our country Japanese hospitality with the old and the young living together learning languages in houses remodeled from these vacant properties. Here we propose a sharehouse venture to support an international city.

【Association Summary】
Corporate name: General Incorporated Association Japan Sharehouse Association

Establishment: July, 2010 (formerly GIA Sharehouse Promotion Group)
Office: 166-0004 Tokyo-to, Suginami-ku, Asagaya Minami 1-8-3 Prie Asagaya 1C
Representative: Hisao Yamamoto, Representative of the Board of Directors
URL   : http://japan-sharehouse.org/


We will continue in our efforts hoping that new and exciting exchanges and interactions may be created through the shared living lifestyle.

Tokyo Sharehouse
CEO Tetsuro Moriyama

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