
 English follows the Japanese message


本日より、TOKYO SHAREHOUSEの公式ブログをスタートします!
TOKYOSHAREHOUSE.COM は「東京を中心としたシェアハウス・ゲストハウスのポータルサイト」です。

我々は 1)新しい価値観やコミュニティに触れることができる「シェアハウス」というライフスタイルの普及、2)ソーシャルに繋がれる快適で安全なシェアハウスを、情熱や創造力、可能性を持ち、夢や目標に向かっている人達に紹介することを目標としております。


TOKYO SHAREHOUSEは、そうした非効率的なやり取りを無くすため、物件の運営者が直接、物件の情報をリアルタイムで更新し発信できるシステムを基に、ユーザーが入居前に求める最低限の情報を網羅すべく、設備内容、客観的な物件写真の掲載などを掲載するスペースを設けております。



それでは皆様、今後とも「TOKYO SHAREHOUSE」をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!

Hi Everyone,

As of today, Share house and guest house portal - www.tokyosharehouse.com - that highlights mainly in Tokyo area has been launched.

Our vision and intent of this website is to 1) accelerate the share house life style movement within Japan, and 2) to connect a share / guest house that offering a high and good quality of living and social environment, to the people who come to Tokyo to follow their dreams with the enthusiasm, creativity and the sense of possibility.

Apologze to mention that English version of the site is not yet prepared and it won't be an easy task for us to provide the complete bilingual information, but we will work hard on it.

Meanwhile, if you can capture a house outline with the visual and numeric infomation and find it interesting enough, it may not a bad idea to inquire the house. exchange e-mail and conversation with owner. Living with Japanese assist you to brush up your Japanese skill, and all our wish is you will find something valuable out of the time you stay in Tokyo.

We would appreciate it if you'd pass the URL on to your friends and the people who has also interest in share house life in Tokyo within your circle.

With providing unique and interesting share / guest house and upcoming event information, we'll strive to make this site a public venue, where free flow of information exchange and interactivity becomes common. so please take the time to visit often.

thank you.


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